If you are:
- Self sabotaging your relationships
- Are unfulfilled in your career
- Know you're meant for more, but have no idea where to start...
Please keep reading, because I have been there.
I have dedicated my entire life to helping people just like you heal from your past wounds and live life to the fullest.
My desire for you, and God's desire for you, is to finally feel that weight lift off your shoulders because you have the inner peace and clarity you need to fulfill your greatest potential and live the life God has planned for you.
Where did my journey in inner healing begin?
Me: God, what is my purpose in life?
God: Before I can tell you your purpose, you must first allow me to heal your identity because, you know me as Father, but you have not allowed me to Father you.
Me: What!?
He went on to say, “You will not be a good wife to a husband if you do not learn me as Father.”
For as long as I can remember, I was goal-oriented, driven, and had a clear plan for my life. In the 10th grade, I knew I wanted to be a deliverance minister and a doctor.
What I did not realize was that even though I had goals and a sense of purpose, I was lacking in identity.
For so long, my overachieving tendencies were driven not only by my wiring but also by my need to prove the world wrong.
I was going to succeed no matter the cost.
I had no idea that my issues with my biological father and the father who raised me had created wounds that, if not dealt with, would sabotage my potential and the plans God had in store for me.

What God Taught Me During My Season of Healing and Training
I started learning things about father wounds, mother wounds, and how they shape identity. I delved into courses and books on deliverance, healing from rejection, and so much more.
While God was training me spiritually, I was also deep into my clinical psychology doctorate program, doing the work.
There was a running joke in class when we finally learned about psychology because everyone thought they had everything described. We were diagnosing ourselves and the whole family. Between learning that we are bio-psycho-social people and growing in my assignment as a minister, I began to become whole. I began to learn what it means to be a son. I learned:

After 5 years of study, I earned my doctorate in clinical psychology and started the journey of building a christian business that would help people become whole. That is me at graduation and my first business headshot. We have come a long way!
I always coached and even counselled married folks before I was married because God has given me a gift of wisdom.
But after finishing Grad school, it was clear God was calling me into full-time work for Him. How would I pay my bills, though?
I thank God there was such a demand for my gift sets that I was able to take what I had learned walking through my healing journey and my studies in ministry and school and began helping others do the same.
Individual sessions turned into courses, and courses turned into the Destiny Training Academy.
Over the last 15 years I have developed a model to help individuals heal wounds; step into destiny; and build thriving, lasting relationships while creating generational wealth for their children's children.

When you Purchase DTA lifetime access you will receive a bonus Certification as a life Coach or Mentor, you must complete the 6-week training and the courses to receive the certification. The next Certification begins in September. You can use this certificate at any point in your development.
What is the DCM Certification?
In six short weeks, you will have created another revenue stream that equips you to help others realize and live out their purpose.

- You will receive unlimited access to a private membership group for as long as you remain a Destiny Mentor or Coach.
- You will receive a lifetime membership to the course.
- You will be trained by someone who has been a life coach for over 10 years and has built a 7-figure coaching and consulting business.
Never before has there been a coaching or mentoring certification program like this! With Dr. Faith's educational background, plus experience in developing and training individuals as a coach in business and ministry over the last 20 years, you will reap the benefits of training from an academic perspective, integrated with spiritual principles. This will be an investment that changes your life and all those assigned to you.